New Development Impact Fees
   15.06.005   Purpose
   15.06.010   New Development Impact Fund
   15.06.015   Definitions
   15.06.020   Calculation and payment of fees
   15.06.025   Exceptions
   15.06.030   Accounting for fees
   15.06.035   Use and disbursement of funds
   15.06.040   Determination of impact zones
   15.06.045   Special project map
   15.06.050   Return of fees
   15.06.055   Projects subject to discretionary approval
Art in Public Places
   15.06.100   Purpose
   15.06.105   Implementation by Cultural Affairs Commission
   15.06.110   Definitions
   15.06.115   Cultural Trust Fund created
   15.06.120   Developments subject to provisions of Subchapter
   15.06.125   Art in public places program allocations
   15.06.130   Administrative and design fees
   15.06.135   Application and approval procedures for placing artwork on private property
   15.06.140   Approval procedures for fulfillment of the art in public places program requirement for city development projects
   15.06.145   Procedure for acceptance of artwork donated to the city to fulfill the art in public places program requirement
   15.06.150   Ownership and maintenance of artwork
   15.06.155   Final city approval
   15.06.160   Artwork on public property, performing arts and purchase of real property for public art
   15.06.165   Criteria for approving architecture as art
   15.06.170   Procedure for approving architecture as art
   15.06.175   De-accessioning of artwork
   15.06.180   Appeal
Residential Development Park Dedication and In Lieu Parkland Fees
   15.06.300   Purpose
   15.06.305   Deposit and use of fees
   15.06.310   Park dedication or payment of fees
   15.06.315   Reduction of fees for second unit
   15.06.320   Recreational facilities credit
   15.06.325   Exemptions
   15.06.330   Return of fees
Mobility Improvement Fees
   15.06.500   Purpose
   15.06.505   Mobility Improvement Fund
   15.06.510   Definitions
   15.06.515   Calculation and payment of fees
   15.06.520   Exceptions
   15.06.525   Accounting for fees
   15.06.530   Use and disbursement of funds
   15.06.535   Project list
   15.06.540   Adjustments or waivers
   15.06.545   Return of fees
Affordable Housing Commercial Development Impact Fee
   15.06.600   Purpose and intent
   15.06.605   Definitions
   15.06.610   Affordable Housing Commercial Development Impact Fee
   15.06.615   Adjustments or waivers
   15.06.620   Conversion
   15.06.625   Use of funds