As used in this Subchapter, the following terms are defined as follows unless the context indicates or requires a different meaning. All other terms herein shall follow the definitions found in § 17.700.010.
DEVELOPER. Any person, firm, partnership, association, joint venture, corporation, or any entity or combination of entities, which seeks or applies for City approvals, permits or entitlements for all or part of a commercial development project.
DIRECTOR. The Community Development Director of the City of Culver City, or his or her designee.
PROJECT LIST. The list of mobility improvements and programs identified by the Community Development, Public Works, and Transportation Departments needed to support new development based on 2045 jobs and housing growth forecasts, which will reduce vehicle miles traveled and be partially funded by mobility improvement fees.
MULTIMODAL. Alternative transportation modes to single-occupancy vehicles including but not limited to active transportation like walking, running, rolling, bicycling, scooting, skating, and accessing public transit and ridesharing like car and vanpools.
VEHICLE MILES TRAVELED. The sum of the number of miles traveled by each vehicle.
NET NEW VEHICLE MILES TRAVELED. Additional vehicle miles traveled resulting from new development above existing development. For the purpose of illustration only, an example of net new vehicle miles traveled is as follows: If a new restaurant replaces an existing restaurant without adding new square footage, the fee will not be charged. However, if a new restaurant replaces an existing restaurant and adds 1,000 new square feet; then fees will be required for the added 1,000 square feet and associated net new vehicle miles traveled.
(Ord. No. 2021-006 § 2 (part))