A.   Requirement. An Affordable Housing Commercial Development Impact Fee, in an amount established by resolution of the City Council, is hereby imposed on all Commercial Development Projects. No application for a building permit for a Commercial Development Project shall be approved, nor shall any such Commercial Development Project be constructed, without compliance with this Subchapter. The fee imposed by this Subchapter shall be collected at the time of the issuance of a building permit. No certificate of occupancy shall be issued for a Commercial Development Project that has not paid the fee required under this Subchapter.
   B.   Exemptions. Notwithstanding subsection A. above, this Subchapter shall not apply to the following:
      1.   A Commercial Development Project with a gross leasable floor area of 10,000 square feet or less in aggregate;
      2.   A Commercial Development Project with an application that has been deemed complete prior to January 1, 2022;
      3.   Community land uses which serve the public (such as religious institutions, museums, educational facilities, hospitals, etc.);
      4.   Reconstruction of any building that was destroyed by fire, flood, earthquake or other act of nature, so long as the square footage does not exceed the square footage prior to the loss; and
      5.   The housing portion of a Mixed-Use Project.
   C.   Fee calculation. The Affordable Housing Commercial Development Impact Fee shall be charged on new gross leasable floor area, subject to § 15.06.620 (Conversion).
(Ord. No. 2021-009 § 2 (part))