For this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning:
   ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS. The owners of all properties that physically adjoin or are directly or diagonally across the street or alley from the property sought to be licensed.
   BLOCK FACE. All lots on a block fronting on a public or private street of any classification in the Kenton County Comprehensive Plan, on the same side of the street, and between two consecutive street intersections, not including alleys.
   HOSTING PLATFORM. An internet-based application that allows a short-term rental host to advertise a short-term rental and provides a means for potential short-term rental tenants to arrange rental and payment through the platform.
   PERSON. Any individual, firm, partnership, joint venture, association, social club, fraternal organization, joint stock company, corporation, estate, trust, business trust, receiver, trustee, syndicate or any other group or combination acting as a unit.
   RENTAL AGENT. A natural person designated by the host of a short-term rental on the short-term rental license application. The host may serve as the rental agent.
   RENTAL INSPECTOR. The Neighborhood Services Director or a designee including, but not limited to, code enforcement officers and/or inspectors in the Code Enforcement Division.
      (1)   Any residential dwelling unit or part thereof;
      (2)   Offered or held out to the public for rent on a hosting platform, web or mobile application or other online platform, newspaper, magazine, or brochure through which short-term rentals are listed, advertised, solicited or otherwise held out for rent;
      (3)   For a duration of occupancy of less than 30 consecutive days.
   SHORT-TERM RENTAL DWELLING LICENSE. The short-term rental dwelling license established by this chapter.
   SHORT TERM RENTAL HOST (HOST). Any person who is the owner of record of residential property who offers a residential dwelling or portion of such dwelling as a short-term rental or any person who is a lessee of residential property pursuant to a written agreement for the lease of such property and who is authorized by the owner to operate a short-term rental.
   SHORT-TERM RENTAL, HOST-OCCUPIED. A short-term rental that is the primary residence of the short-term rental host who is also the record owner of the property. Host-occupied property refers to real property which contains one or more dwelling unit(s) where the principal dwelling unit must be occupied by the property owner and constitute his/her primary and usual place of residence. The dwelling units must share the PIDN assigned by the Kenton County PVA.
   SHORT-TERM RENTAL, NON-HOST-OCCUPIED. A short-term rental that is not the primary residence of the short-term rental host. A short-term rental which serves as the primary residence for a host who is not the record owner of the property, including lessees, is included in this definition.
   SHORT-TERM RENTAL TENANT (TENANT). Any person (excluding family members of the host of the short-term rental) who rents a short-term rental for a fee or any form of compensation, in exchange for occupancy of the short-term rental for a period of less than 30 consecutive days.
(Ord. O-11-23, passed 6-28-2023; Ord. O-08-24, passed 5-14-2024)