   9.101   False alarms
   9.102   Parking at hydrants; obstructing fire equipment or members
   9.103   Following or parking near fire equipment; bystanders
   9.104   Failure to obey lawful orders
   9.105   Driving over fire hose
   9.106   Opening fire hydrants
   9.107   Burning trash
   9.108   Fire hazard upon lots, buildings or premises; accumulation, growth and the like
   9.109   Fires near buildings
   9.110   Right of entry during emergencies
   9.111   Responding to alarms; right-of-way
   9.112   Law enforcement officers to enforce provisions
Statutory reference:
   Soliciting funds from motorists, see S.C. Code § 5-27-910
Editor’s note:
   Many towns in this state have made arrangements with their respective counties for fire service. The town has such an agreement with the county. Prohibited acts are included herein for safety purposes.
   This article derives from the 1976 South Carolina Code of Laws and generally accepted municipal practices and acts prohibited by other municipalities. (See S.C. Code § 56-5-760 for operation of emergency vehicles.)
§ 9.101  FALSE ALARMS.
   It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly give a false fire alarm by telephoning, informing any person that an emergency exists, knowing the same to be untrue, or in any manner, communicating falsely to the Fire Department that an emergency exists.
(S.C. Code § 16-17-570)  (Prior Code, § 9.101)