Nothing contained herein shall require any change in the overall layout, plans, construction, size or designated use of any development, building, structure or part thereof for which official approval and required permits have been granted, or where no approvals are necessary, where construction has been legally started before the enactment of this chapter and complete within a one-year period.
(Ord. 1347, passed 3-18-1991)
(A) A non-conforming use of a building or land which has been abandoned shall not thereafter be returned to such non-conforming use.
(B) A non-conforming use shall be considered abandoned as follows:
(1) When the intent of the owner to discontinue the use is apparent;
(2) When the characteristic equipment and furnishings of the non-conforming use have been removed from the premises and have not been replaced by similar equipment within 12 months, unless other facts show intention to resume the non-conforming uses;
(3) When a non-conforming use has been discontinued for a period of 12 months; or
(4) When it has been replaced by a conforming use. This, however, shall not apply to the rotation of crops, or the alternating use of land for pasture and/or for cultivation from year to year, of land now used for general farming purposes, which may be used in the same manner as heretofore.
(Ord. 1347, passed 3-18-1991)
Nothing in this chapter shall be interpreted as authorization for or approval of the continuance of the use of a structure or premises in violation of zoning regulations in effect at the time of the effective date of this chapter.
(Ord. 1347, passed 3-18-1991)