   (A)   Sewage planning is occasionally required outside the scope of a subdivision/land development plan.
   (B)   These planning modules require city review for compliance with local regulation.
      (1)   Small flow treatment facility: $100.
      (2)   Public sewer extension: $250.
      (3)   Other modules: $100.
   (C)   Engineer or professional consultant fees will be reimbursed according to the scheduled annual rate per hour. A review fee reimbursement agreement must be signed and a minimum escrow amount must be deposited with the city with an application/plan in accordance with the following:
Minimum Escrow
(1)   Small flow treatment facility
(2)   Public sewer extension
(3)   Other modules
(Res. 18-06, passed 3-5-2018; Res. 20-24, passed 11-2-2020; Res. 21-19, passed 12-9-2021)
§ 155.10 OTHER FEES.
   (A)   City maps: actual reproduction costs plus actual administrative costs incurred by the city.
   (B)   (1)   Copies of the city zoning ordinance: $25, mailing and handling fee: $5.
      (2)   Copies of other city ordinances: as open record.
   (C)   Municipal no-lien letters: $25.
   (D)   Zoning compliance letter: $25.
   (E)   Check returned by bank due to non-sufficient funds: $45.
   (F)   Plot plan creation: $50.
   (G)   Banner application: $50.
   (H)   Solicitation permit: $25, plus $5 per each additional associate.
   (I)   Camera audio and/or video recordings – police, fire and code enforcement:
      (1)   Copy of body camera audio and/or video recording: $100 per camera per incident.
      (2)   Copy of vehicle camera audio and/or video recordings:
         (a)   Each police vehicle has five cameras, cost $100 per camera: $500 per incident.
         (b)   Each fire vehicle has one camera, cost $100 per camera: $100 per incident.
         (c)   Cost subject to change with number of cameras in vehicle.
(Res. 18-06, passed 3-5-2018 ; Res. 20-24, passed 11-2-2020; Res. 21-19, passed 12-9-2021)
   (A)   Check returned by bank due to non-sufficient funds: $45.
   (B)   Treasurer’s no-lien letter: $25.
   (C)   Treasurer’s tax certification letter: $25.
(Res. 18-06, passed 3-5-2018 ; Res. 20-24, passed 11-2-2020; Res. 21-19, passed 12-9-2021)
   Not currently to be administered as of January 1, 2022.
   (A)   Administrative filing of all residential rental units: no charge.
   (B)   Failure to file: $100 per month.
(Res. 18-06, passed 3-5-2018 ; Res. 20-24, passed 11-2-2020; Res. 21-19, passed 12-9-2021)
   (A)   Service connection fees.
      (1)   Water service install fee (new or customer requested change of water service from main to curb stop). This fee covers the installation cost of the install materials and labor associated with the install. If required will also include the installation of the new meter.
5/8 and 3/4 inch service line
1 inch service line
1-1/2 inch service line
2 inch service line
4 inch service line
6 inch service line
8 inch service line
      (2)   Water new service fixed asset fee (tapping fee). This fee has been calculated per Act 57 guidelines.
         Per EDU connected to the system: $725.
      (3)   Sewer service installation or repair inspection fee: $25. This fee covers the inspection process by the Public Works Department of any new or repaired connection to the city sewer main.
      (4)   Sewer new service fixed asset fee (tapping fee). This fee has been calculated per Act 57 guidelines.
         Per EDU being connected to the system: $725.
   (B)   Fire connection fees.
4 inch service line
6 inch service line
8 inch service line
   (C)   Frozen meter charge.
Up to 3/4 inch meter repair
$75 plus costs (during business hours)
$150 plus costs (after business hours)
1 inch or larger meter
$150 plus costs (during business hours)
$225 plus costs (after business hours)
   (D)   Meter and/or MIU installation (replacement or maintenance due to damage or tampering):
First occurrence
$50 plus the cost of materials
Second occurrence
$100 plus the cost of materials
Further occurrences
$250 each plus the cost of materials
   (E)   Temporary meter removal (reconnection fee). Flat fee of $50, minimum bill remains in effect.
   (F)   Turn on fee (account fee). Flat fee for each disconnection/reconnection: $50.
   (G)   Temporary water for construction, circus, bazaar, fair and the like.
2 inch or less
$50 per day plus water consumption
3 inch
$75 per day plus water consumption
   (H)   Non-fire use of hydrant.
Un-metered flow through on 2 ½ inch hydrant nozzle
$5 per minute
Metered flow through hydrant
$75 minimum per day plus water consumption
   (I)   Metered water purchase at city garage. $25 per fill up plus water consumption.
   (J)   Customer deposit.
Public utility deposit/residential
Public utility deposit/commercial/public
Public utility deposit/industrial
Those customers who do not have both water and sewer will be charged a 50% deposit rate
   (K)   Returned cheek for insufficient funds. Flat fee of $45.
   (L)   Non-payment/NSF disconnection/reconnection fee. $50.
(Res. 18-06, passed 3-5-2018 ; Res. 20-24, passed 11-2-2020; Res. 21-19, passed 12-9-2021)