   (A)   The PennDOT fee schedule will be assessed on highway occupancy permits issued for installations/construction within state routes that are also city street rights-of-ways. This fee schedule is available by contacting PennDOT.
   (B)   In addition to this schedule are permits necessary for installation of private driveway for egress to a city right-of-way and other excavations in city rows.
      (1)   A driveway residential permit application fee: $25.
      (2)   A driveway commercial and industrial permit application fee: $100.
      (3)   The city will provide installation of up to 40 feet of pre-purchased driveway pipe with aggregate overlay for a driveway entering a city roadway upon receipt of $400/driveway and signed waiver. Addition driveway widths will be installed upon receipt of an additional $10 per linear foot. The city will neither excavate nor install concrete or asphalt surfacing. Bonding security for open excavation is required in the following amounts:
         (a)   Other excavations in right-of-way: $25;
         (b)   Curb cutting: $50;
         (c)   Sidewalk construction: $25.
(Res. 18-06, passed 3-5-2018; Res. 20-24, passed 11-2-2020; Res. 21-19, passed 12-9-2021)
   (A)   New structures, additions and alterations: the zoning application fee shall be based upon the applicant’s estimated cost of construction. The fee schedule is as follows. Documentation of costs may be requested by the City Zoning Officer to verify the cost of construction of any application.
Cost of Construction
Application Fee
$0 - $1,000
$1,001 - $10,000
$10,001 - 100,000
$100,001 - 250,000
$250,001 and up
   (B)   Placement of a manufactured home in a mobile home park (MHP): $100.
   (C)   Placement of a manufactured home on a parcel outside a MHP: $250.
   (D)   Sign installation: $100.
   (E)   Change of use: $25.
   (F)   Demolition:    $25 ($0 - $5,000)
            $50 ($5,001 - $10,000)
            $100 ($10,001 - $100,000)
            $250 ($100,001 - $250,000)
            $500 ($250,001 and up)
   (G)   Home occupation application: $50.
   (H)   Penalty provisions (for failure to obtain advance approval of a project):
      (1)   First violation: $100;
      (2)   Second violation: $250; and
      (3)   Third violation: $500.
(Res. 18-06, passed 3-5-2018 ; Res. 20-24, passed 11-2-2020; Res. 21-19, passed 12-9-2021)
   (A)   Zoning Hearing Board: $500, deposit required for costs incurred by the city with remaining balance refunded. These appeals include: variance; special exception; non-conforming uses; validity challenges; determinations of the zoning officer or municipal engineer.
   (B)   Governing body: $500, deposit required for costs incurred by the city with remaining balance refunded. These appeals include: conditional use; curative amendment; all petitions for amendment of the zoning ordinance.
   (C)   Continuation of any hearing: to be determined by the Zoning Officer per each case.
(Res. 18-06, passed 3-5-2018 ; Res. 20-24, passed 11-2-2020; Res. 21-19, passed 12-9-2021)
   The city employs two third parties to administer the Uniform Construction Code (UCC). Building Inspection Underwriters, Inc. (BIU) or Construction Code Inspectors (CCI) issues any required building permits after plan review. Inspection fees are paid directly to BIU or CCI prior to the issuance of a building permit. Fee schedules are available from each provider upon request. An administrative fee of 10% is applied to each building permit issued by BIU for city services.
(Res. 18-06, passed 3-5-2018 ; Res. 20-24, passed 11-2-2020; Res. 21-19, passed 12-9-2021)
   The city employs the Erie County Association of Township Officials UCC Appeals Board to review allowable appeals. A $1,500 deposit is required with filing of the appeal application. These appeals include: variance; extension of time; and appeal of a Building Code Official decision.
(Res. 18-06, passed 3-5-2018 ; Res. 20-24, passed 11-2-2020; Res. 21-19, passed 12-9-2021)
   Land subdivision/development is regulated by the city land use/subdivision ordinance. However, all proposed land developments and/or subdivisions require Erie County Planning Department review for compliance with local regulations. Exhibits are not available on the website.
   (A)   Minor subdivision: $100.
   (B)   Major subdivision/land development: $250.
(Res. 18-06, passed 3-5-2018 ; Res. 20-24, passed 11-2-2020; Res. 21-19, passed 12-9-2021)
   (A)   Construction of new or additional impervious or semi-pervious surfaces (e.g., driveways, parking lots and the like) and the construction of new buildings, additions to existing buildings and earthmoving activities involving over 1,000 square feet in conjunction with regulated activities, requires the submission of a stormwater management (SWM) application and/or site plan and report. A municipal SWM review fee is imposed to defray costs incurred by the city. The costs covered may include: administrative expense; plan review; construction meetings; inspections; and any additional work required to enforce permit provisions.
   (B)   Administrative and clerical costs shall be as follows.
Administrative and Clerical Costs
Small project SWM application involving less than 2,500 square feet
Small project SWM application involving 2,500 - 4,999 square feet
Single-family residential exemption application
Plan submission for regulated activity involving 5,000 square feet and greater; and all waiver requests
   (C)   Engineer or professional consultant fees will be reimbursed according to the scheduled annual rate per hour. A review fee reimbursement agreement must be signed and a minimum escrow amount must be deposited with the city with an application/plan in accordance with the following.
Minimum Escrow
Small project SWM application involving 2,500 - 4,999 square feet
Plan submission for regulated activity involving 5,000 square feet and greater; and all waiver requests
(Res. 18-06, passed 3-5-2018 ; Res. 20-24, passed 11-2-2020; Res. 21-19, passed 12-9-2021)
   All petitions for amendment of a city ordinance: $500, deposit required to reimburse the city for costs incurred with remaining balance refunded.
(Res. 18-06, passed 3-5-2018 ; Res. 20-24, passed 11-2-2020; Res. 21-19, passed 12-9-2021)