8.20.340 Self-hauler requirements.
   (A)   Source separation. Self-haulers shall source separate all recyclable materials and organic waste generated on premises owned or operated by the self-hauler site from solid waste in a manner consistent with § 8.20.320 for single-family residential premises, and § 8.20.330 for commercial businesses, or shall haul organic waste to a high diversion organic waste processing facility.
   (B)   Disposal at permitted facility. Self-haulers shall haul their source separated recyclable materials to a facility that recovers those materials; and haul their source separated green container organic waste to a solid waste facility, operation, activity, or property that processes or recovers source separated green container organic waste. Alternatively, self-haulers may haul organic waste to a high diversion organic waste processing facility.
   (C)   Commercial businesses recordkeeping. Self-haulers that are commercial businesses shall keep a record of the amount of refuse, recyclable materials, and organic waste delivered to each solid waste facility, operation, activity, or property that processes or recovers these materials; this record shall be subject to inspection by the city and shall be provided to the city upon request. The records shall include the following information:
      (1)   Delivery receipts and weight tickets from the entity accepting the waste;
      (2)   The amount of material in cubic yards or tons transported to each entity;
      (3)   If the material is transported to an entity that does not have scales on-site, or employs scales incapable of weighing the self-hauler's vehicle in a manner that allows it to determine the weight of materials received, the self-hauler is not required to record the weight of material but shall keep a record of the number of loads, and the entities that received the organic waste.
   (D)   Residential premises. The owner or occupant of residential premises that self-hauls solid waste is not required to record or report the information required by this subsection.
(Ord. 3338 § 4 (part), 2021)