5.36.080 City permit - Application procedures.
   (A)   Adoption.
      (1)   City Council. Within the rules and regulations for permitting commercial cannabis businesses provided for in § 5.36.040, the City Council shall include procedures to govern the application process and the manner in which the decision will ultimately be made regarding the issuance of any commercial cannabis permit(s). For purposes of applications for storefront retailers and storefront retail microbusinesses, such procedures shall include detailed objective review criteria and a point system or equivalent evaluation scale tied to each set of review criteria.
      (2)   City Manager. As provided for in § 5.36.040, the City Manager shall be authorized to take any of the following actions, so long as they are consistent with the terms of this chapter and any rules and regulations adopted by the City Council: (a) prepare any necessary forms; (b) adopt any necessary rules, regulations, standards, policies and other requirements regarding applications; (c) solicit applications; (d) oversee the evaluation of the applicants; and (e) adopt any other rules, regulations, standards, policies and other requirements determined to be necessary to carry out the purposes of this chapter or any rules and regulations adopted by the City Council.
   (B)   Payment of application fee. At the time of filing, each applicant shall pay an application fee established by resolution of the City Council.
   (C)   Rejection of applications. Applications may be rejected due to untimely submission, failure to provide the required information or documentation, not being fully responsive to the requirements of the application process or the inclusion of any false, misleading or fraudulent statement in or the omission of any pertinent fact from the application or during the application process.
(Ord. 3321 § 3, 2020)