17.99.077 Reasonable accommodations.
   (A)   The Zoning Administrator shall hear and decide applications for reasonable accommodations as provided by the federal Fair Housing Amendments Act and California's Fair Employment and Housing Act to allow reasonable remedy from zoning standards for individuals with physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, or anyone who is regarded as having that type of impairment, or anyone who has a record of that type of impairment, not including individuals currently using illegal substances, unless they have a separate disability.
   (B)   The following criteria should be used to make determinations of reasonable accommodation:
      (1)   The housing which is the subject of the request for reasonable accommodation will be used by an individual protected under fair housing laws;
      (2)   The request for reasonable accommodation is necessary to make housing available to an individual protected by fair housing laws;
      (3)   The requested accommodation does not impose an undue financial or administrative burden on the jurisdiction; and
      (4)   The requested accommodation does not require a fundamental alteration in the jurisdiction's land use and/or zoning programs.
(Ord. 3139 § 10 (part), 2013.)