17.04.589 Supportive housing.
   Housing with no limit on length of stay that is occupied by the target population as defined in Cal. Health and Safety Code § 53260(d), and that is linked to on-site or off-site services that assist the supportive housing resident in retaining housing, improving his or her health status, and maximizing his or her ability to live and, when possible, work in the community. As defined per said section of the Health and Safety Code, target population means adults with low income having one or more disabilities including mental illness, substance abuse, or other chronic health conditions, or individuals eligible for services provided under the Lanterman Development Disabilities Services Act (Division 4.5 [commencing with § 4500] of the Cal. Welfare and Institutions Code) and may, among other populations, include families with children, elderly persons, young adults aging out of the foster care system, individuals exiting from institutional settings, veterans, or homeless. Supportive housing is provided in residential dwellings or in health care and community facilities listed in Chapter 17.73 under this code and shall be permitted, conditionally permitted or prohibited in the same manner as other residential dwellings or health care and community facilities. Supportive housing shall be considered a residential use of the property and shall be subject only to those restrictions that apply to other residential dwellings of the same type in the same zone.
(Ord. 3139 § 3 (part), 2013.)