13.26.140 Recovery of costs.
   (A)   The General Manager or his or her designee shall serve an invoice for costs upon the person or responsible person who is subject to a notice of violation, a cease and desist order, or an administrative compliance order. An invoice for costs shall be immediately due and payable to the city. If any person or responsible person fails to either pay the invoice for costs or appeal successfully the invoice for costs in accordance with this chapter, then the city may institute collection proceedings. The invoice for costs may include reasonable attorneys' fees.
   (B)   The city shall impose any other penalties or regulatory fees, as fixed from time to time by resolution of the City Council, for a violation or enforcement of this chapter.
   (C)   In addition to the costs which may be recovered pursuant to § 1.08.022 of the Code, and in order to recover the costs of the water conservation regulatory program set forth in this chapter, the City Council may, from time to time, fix and impose by resolution fees and charges. The fees and charges may include, but are not limited to, fees and charges for:
      (1)   Any visits of a water conservation specialist, enforcement officer, or other city staff for time incurred for meter reading, follow-up visits, or the installation or removal of a flow-restricting device;
      (2)   Monitoring, inspection, and surveillance procedures pertaining to enforcement of this chapter;
      (3)   Enforcing compliance with any term or provision of this chapter;
      (4)   Reinitiating service at a property where service has been discontinued pursuant to this chapter;
      (5)   Processing any fees necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter; and
      (6)   Any other necessary and appropriate fees and charges to recover the cost of providing the city's water conservation regulatory program.
(Ord. 2962 § 2 (part), 2009.)