19.12.060 Setbacks.
   (A)   No excavation activity shall be carried on within 50 feet of either:
      (1)   The common property line of any parcel of land not used for the same purpose; or
      (2)   The ultimate right-of-way of any public street, either existing or whose precise alignment has been adopted by the Council.
   (B)   In addition, where the Planning Director determines there is a possibility of potentially hazardous seepage or flow into a pit from a flood control channel, reservoir, conservation or flood retarding basin or natural water course, the Planning Director shall establish the setback requirements based on the preservation of the integrity of the existing flood control channel, reservoir, conservation or flood retarding basin or natural water course so the subject property shall continue to receive and carry off waters in a manner equal to that experienced prior to any excavation.
   (C)   Any setback requirements imposed under this section may, in the discretion of the Planning Director, exceed the 50 foot requirement set forth herein, but in no circumstance shall the setbacks be less than 50 feet.
(`78 Code, § 19.12.060.) (Ord. 2386 § 1 (part), 1999.)