Except as provided in this chapter, no person who owns, leases or otherwise controls or operates on all, or any portion of, mined lands shall conduct or expand any surface mining operation on such lands unless and until a surface mining permit is issued, a reclamation plan is approved and acceptable reclamation security is posted in accordance with this title. Any applicable exemption from this requirement does not exempt a project or activity from the application of other regulations, ordinances or policies of the city, including but not limited to, the application of CEQA, the requirement of site approvals or other permits, the payment of development impact fees or the imposition of other dedications and exactions as may be required by the city. The operator of any existing surface mining operation in an area annexed to the city shall, within a reasonable time after such annexation, comply with this section, and until such compliance, all existing permits and reclamation plans for the surface mining operation shall remain in effect and all operations shall be conducted pursuant to the provisions therein.
(`78 Code, § 19.04.050.) (Ord. 2386 § 1 (part), 1999.)