17.102.030 Content.
   (A)   Development plans for staff review shall be submitted to the Planning Director in a number the Director determines necessary to facilitate staff review. All development plans shall be on folded sheets of a minimum eight and one-half inches by eleven inches, maximum 24 inches by 36 inches size, and shall be at an easily readable scale. Submittals shall include, but are not limited to, the following information as appropriate for the particular application. A listing of the minimum requirements for submitting development plans for review shall be provided on the application form prepared by the Planning Director.
      (1)   Name, address and telephone number of owner and developer of subject property.
      (2)   Name, address And telephone number of person preparing plan.
      (3)   North arrow.
      (4)   Scale.
      (5)   Vicinity map showing site location.
      (6)   Property lines of entire legal parcel(s).
      (7)   Names of adjacent streets and intersections.
      (8)   Width of adjacent streets and alleys.
      (9)   Legal description of subject property.
      (10)   Street address of subject property (if assigned).
      (11)   Zoning designation of subject property and surrounding properties.
      (12)   Existing land uses of surrounding properties.
      (13)   Area of subject property.
      (14)   Topographic contour lines.
      (15)   Building setback lines for front, sides and rear of each lot per the zoning of the site.
      (16)   Conceptual grading plans and cross-sections.
      (17)   Architectural perspectives or renderings.
      (18)   Landscape plans.
      (19)   Building plans.
      (20)   Archaeological survey.
      (21)   Biological survey.
      (22)   Traffic study.
      (23)   Drainage study.
      (24)   Noise study.
      (25)   Materials board.
      (26)   Soils report.
      (27)   Geotechnical report.
      (28)   Photos of site and surrounding areas.
      (29)   Proposed plotting of buildings.
      (30)   Street or alley dedications, if applicable.
      (31)   All existing and proposed public improvements within adjacent streets and alley right-of-way (curb, gutter, street lights, sidewalks, parkways, power poles, fire hydrants, water and sewer lines, and the like). Show existing curb, gutter and sidewalk with dashed lines and label. Show new curb, gutter and sidewalk with solid lines.
      (32)   Existing or proposed public right-of-way within subject property.
      (33)   Existing or proposed easements within or immediately outside subject property (public and private).
      (34)   Location of on-site and off-site drainage facilities.
      (35)   Area of each parcel (gross and net).
      (36)   Physical features on property lines and immediately adjacent to property lines (fences, walls, power poles, buildings, slopes, and the like).
      (37)   Physical features on property lines and immediately adjacent to property lines (fences, walls, power poles, buildings, slopes, and the like).
      (38)   Location of all buildings (main and accessory), fences and walls, paved areas and landscape areas labeled existing or proposed.
      (39)   Percentage of area covered by buildings on each parcel.
      (40)   Location of existing and proposed on-site water lines, sewer lines or septic tanks and fire hydrants.
      (41)   Type of construction per Uniform Building Code.
      (42)   Height of all buildings and structures.
      (43)   Dimension from building(s) to property line and to other buildings on subject property.
      (44)   Uses of all buildings (existing and proposed) on subject property.
      (45)   Exterior elevations indicating exterior material, including materials, colors, building height and including materials of proposed fences and walls.
      (46)   Off-street parking, including dimensions of individual parking spaces, internal circulation pattern for pedestrian and vehicular traffic, wheel stops and type of surfacing proposed.
      (47)   Driveway widths.
      (48)   Computation of total covered and uncovered parking spaces required for each parcel.
      (49)   Computation of square footage of required landscape areas.
      (50)   Location of landscaping, including existing and proposed trees (including existing street trees), shrub masses and ground cover area.
      (51)   Loading spaces, including dimensions.
      (52)   Estimated quantities of earth to be moved.
      (53)   Direction of drainage flow with slope in percentage.
      (54)   Signs, including area, location, height, illumination and mechanical movement.
      (55)   On-site lighting.
      (56)   Trash enclosures, if any.
      (57)   Outdoor storage areas.
      (58)   Exterior architectural projections.
      (59)   All entrances.
      (60)   Mechanical equipment and proposed screening.
      (61)   Proposed swimming pools or patios.
   (B)   The Planning Director may waive any information described above upon determination that it is not relevant to the review or the Planning Director may require additional information as needed.
(`78 Code, § 17.102.030.) (Ord. 2441 § 2, 2000; Ord. 1965 § 2, 1989; Ord. 1698 § 3, 1983.)