17.99.030 Temporary use permits.
   The Zoning Administrator shall hear and decide applications for permits for temporary events. Temporary use permits are intended for events that are held in conjunction with an established commercial business holding a valid business license that normally operates in that location. The following uses are permissible in any zone in the city subject to the granting of a temporary use permit pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
   (A)   Specific events or activities that require a temporary use permit are as follows:
      (1)   Outdoor display and sale of merchandise, such as sidewalk sales, within commercial land use districts or the M-1, M-2, or M-4 Zones, in areas not previously designed and approved for such use. These events shall be limited to a total of 120 days in a calendar year, including only merchandise customarily sold, manufactured, assembled, fabricated or processed on the premises by a permanently established business;
      (2)   Indoor retail sales in the M-1, M-2, or M-4 Zones of merchandise manufactured, assembled, fabricated or processed on the premises by a permanently established business. These events all shall be limited to a total of 120 days in a calendar year.
      (3)   Grand opening events which involve outdoor activities and entertainment, not to exceed five consecutive days and limited to one event per business. One ground breaking or ribbon cutting ceremony per business that does not exceed two hours in duration is exempt from the permit requirement;
      (4)   Temporary shade structures, such as tents and canopies, for automobile dealerships only, provided they comply with the following conditions:
         (a)   The shade structure is placed in an area where vehicles are displayed on a daily basis and shall not obstruct required customer parking spaces, drive aisles or any access designed for public safety. The shade structure shall be limited to a total of 120 days in a calendar year;
         (b)   No banners, balloons, flags or other attraction devices may be mounted on any portion of the shade structure, nor shall any vendor not associated with the automobile dealership’s sales staff occupy the structure, without prior approval of a special use permit subject to Corona Municipal Code § 17.98.030;
         (c)   The shade structure shall observe the applicable development standards of the zone in which it is located;
         (d)   The physical and aesthetic components of the shade structure shall be maintained so as to prevent breakage, tearing, fading or fraying of the individual pieces. Any portion of the structure displaying evidence of wear shall be replaced or repaired immediately;
         (e)   The applicant shall also obtain a tent permit from the Fire Department.
      (5)   Uses similar to those listed above, as determined by the Planning Director.
   (B)   Rooftop mounted balloons, pennants, spinners, tethered helium balloons, either stacked or arched, and similar devices are permitted with the issuance of a temporary use permit granted by the Zoning Administrator. If such devices are in conjunction with an event associated with a special use permit as described in § 17.98.030, the issuance of the permit shall be granted by the Board of Zoning Adjustment. The use of such devices shall be limited to 120 days in a calendar year per business.
(`78 Code, § 17.99.030.) (Ord. 3017 § 1 (part), 2009; Ord. 2980, § 1 (part), 2009; Ord. 2940 § 3 (part), 2008; Ord. 2572 § 2, 2002; Ord. 2157 § 3 (part), 1993; Ord. 2047 § 1 (part), 1991.)