17.98.160 Rephasing approved tentative tract maps.
   (A)   The Board shall hear and decide applications for rephasing tentative tract maps pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 16.12 of this code and subject to the following conditions:
      (1)   Any modification shall be consistent with the General Plan;
      (2)   Any modification shall be consistent with Title 16 of the Corona Municipal Code;
      (3)   Any modification shall not adversely affect the implementation of any Specific Plan or community facilities plan covering the area or the orderly development of the area;
      (4)   Any modification shall not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare; and
      (5)   Any modification shall not delay the construction of subdivision improvements necessary to properly serve all or any portion of the development.
   (B)   The Board may make nonsubstantive or procedural changes to the conditions of approval on the tentative map if necessary to reflect revised phasing. If any changes are made to the conditions of approval of the tentative map, the Secretary of the Board shall distribute a list of such changes to the subdivider, the City Clerk and the affected city departments within three days of Board action.
(`78 Code, § 17.98.175.) (Ord. 2795 § 1 (part), 2005; Ord. 2131 § 3, 1992.)