17.95.050 Procedure for Council-initiated review of Planning Commission decision on appeal.
   (A)   The Council shall be notified by city staff of Planning Commission determinations on appeals filed pursuant to this
chapter. All Commission determinations on appeals not reviewed by the Council are final 21 days after final Commission action.
   (B)   The City Clerk shall advise the Secretary of the Planning Commission when a decision to review is made by the Council. The Secretary shall present to the Council within ten days a copy of the staff report on the appeal and all other papers constituting the record upon which the Commission’s action was taken, including, but not limited to the minutes of all Commission hearings thereon.
   (C)   At the next regular Council meeting after the decision to review, the Council may affirm the Commission action or may direct the City Clerk to set the matter for public hearing in accordance with the notice requirements set forth in § 17.95.040.
   (D)   After its own public hearing, the Council may by resolution affirm, reverse or modify, in whole or in part, any final determination, condition or requirement imposed by the Commission. The Council may continue its hearing from time to time for any legal reason.
(`78 Code, § 17.95.050.) (Ord. 2047 § 10 (part), 1991.)