17.92.030 Conditionally permitted uses – Any zone.
   The uses listed in the following table may be permitted pursuant to this chapter on any property in any zone in the city, subject to the minor or major conditional use permit process, as indicated in the following table.
Conditionally Permitted Use
Major CUP
Minor CUP
Airports and heliports
Buildings exceeding the height limit permitted in the zone in which the use is proposed to be formed
Cemeteries, columbariums, crematories and mausoleums
Establishments or enterprises involving large assemblages of people or automobiles, including, but not limited to:
A.   Amusement parks
B.   Circuses or carnivals
C.   Open-air theaters
D.   Race tracks
E.   Commercial recreation facilities
Joint use of parking facilities
Public uses or properties as required by municipalities
Public utility structures and installations
Telecommunication facilities defined in § 17.65.060, including, but not limited to:
A.   Freestanding monopoles
B.   Large antenna structures
C.   Any facilities which exceed the height limit or other development standards established in the zone in which the structure is proposed to be installed
Temporary structures located within planned rights-of-way when the property owner applying for such a permit signs an agreement with the city to remove any such temporary building or structure at his or her own expense whenever so requested by the city.
(`78 Code, § 17.92.030.) (Ord. 2729 § 3, 2004; Ord. 2447 § 2, 2000.)