17.90.037 Group D.
   Group D nonconforming buildings are those residential buildings made nonconforming by enactment of the Garretson Avenue (GA) overlay zone as set forth in § 17.62.600 et seq. of this title. All residential buildings existing as of the effective date of the GA overlay zone, including accessory dwelling units or accessory buildings, shall be permitted to continue, or to be enlarged, altered, repaired, or replaced, without regard to the provisions of § 17.62.620 or this chapter, except where the primary unit is removed from the land for any reason other than replacement after destruction by fire, flood, wind, earthquake, or other calamity of nature or act of God. “Existing” shall have the same meaning as defined in § 17.90.035.
(Ord. 3259 § 38, 2017; Ord. 2379 § 2, 1999.)