17.82.060 Administrative procedures – Special.
   (A)   The application for conditional approval under this chapter shall include:
      (1)   A general development plan(s) with at least the following details shown to scale and dimension:
         (a)   Location and use or uses proposed for each existing and each proposed structure in the project area. The number of stories, gross building area and approximate location of entrances;
         (b)   Location of all existing and proposed curb cuts, drive lanes, streets, alleys and parking, loading storage areas and refuse pickup areas;
         (c)   Location and width of all pedestrian walks and open areas for common use;
         (d)   Types of surfacing treatment proposed for all walks and driveways;
         (e)   Location of landscaping elements proposed for the project, including fences and screen planting;
         (f)   Location of all existing and proposed physical features such as hydrants, utility facilities, drainage facilities and recreational facilities;
      (2)   A boundary survey map of the project (a tentative subdivision map may be substituted for this requirement if the applicant proposes to subdivide the property);
      (3)   A map showing existing topography of the project area with contours at two foot intervals and direction of drainage and grading plans if proposed earth movement is contemplated;
      (4)   Statements in writing of all declarations, restrictions, covenants, method of maintaining the common areas and elements located therein;
      (5)   For any project involving detached dwelling units other than condominium, townhouse or rowhouse developments, a tentative subdivision map prepared in accordance with existing requirements relating thereto may be submitted in lieu of the other requirements of this chapter.
   (B)   Prior to submittal for Planning Commission review, the applicant shall submit plans for staff review in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 17.102.
   (C)   (1)   At the public hearing, the Planning Director shall review the project plans and submit by written record to the Planning Commission a Director’s report recommending or not recommending approval of the project.
      (2)   The Director’s report shall include, but not be limited to an evaluation of the compatibility of the planning and architecture with surrounding properties, adequacy of the internal and external circulation system, sufficiency of on-site parking facilities, adequacy and suitability of open space and recreation facilities, quality of landscape and irrigation improvements and a determination as to the overall quality of the design and improvements.
(`78 Code, § 17.82.060.) (Ord. 1728 § 4, 1984.)