17.82.040 Application.
   The following standards are applicable to group housing, townhouses, apartment houses and development in which mixed housing types are to be developed:
   (A)   Residents of each dwelling unit in the project must have access to park or usable open space without crossing streets or property owned by others. This open space must have a minimum width of not less than 20 feet and be convenient to the dwelling unit. All individual properties in the project that do not have common boundaries with permanent open space reserves shall conform in land area and dimensions to the zone in which the project is located;
   (B)   The parking requirements shall conform to and be not more restrictive than those established in other sections of the zoning ordinance for those uses permitted in the projects, except that the Planning Commission may require additional visitor parking as a condition of approval. The required parking spaces, carports or garages, or any portions thereof, may be grouped together when it is determined by the Planning Director that such grouping and the location thereof are convenient and useful to the units served;
   (C)   All areas set aside for storage and pickup of trash and garbage shall be completely enclosed on four sides by a solid four and one-half foot wall or fence or completely screened by other methods acceptable to the Planning Commission. The areas shall be convenient to residents whom they are intended to serve.
(`78 Code, § 17.82.040.) (Ord. 1728 § 2, 1984; Ord. 1627 § 1, 1982.)