17.79.070 Alternatives.
   (A)   Alternatives to standard trash enclosures may be considered by the Planning Director. Such alternatives shall be evaluated with respect to the following seven criteria:
      (1)   The proposal provides adequate capacity for the use;
      (2)   The proposal blends with the architecture of the site;
      (3)   The proposal provides convenient access for residents and businesses located within the development;
      (4)   The proposal meets code requirements for minimum front and street side yards and corner cut-offs;
      (5)   The proposal is accessible to trash collection vehicles;
      (6)   The proposal does not generate the potential for undesirable odors, noise, flies or nuisances;
      (7)   The proposal represents an improvement upon code requirements and more adequately meets the needs of the occupants.
   (B)   Requests for consideration of alternatives must be submitted to the Planning Director with the following items: a written letter stating the request, the reason for the request and addressing the above seven criteria, a site plan and a detail of the proposed alternative, including specifications, colors and materials. After consideration, the Planning Director may upon written findings reflecting compliance with the above seven criteria allow installation of the requested alternative. Alternatively, the Planning Director may deny the request. Such denial shall set forth which criteria are not met. Any action taken by the Planning Director shall be reported thereafter to the Planning Commission as an information item.
(`78 Code, § 17.79.070.) (Ord. 2794 § 1 (part), 2005; Ord. 2046 § 1 (part), 1991.)