17.79.040 Commercial and industrial.
   All nonresidential development shall have a minimum of one 60 square foot trash enclosure.
   (A)   Commercial. Commercial office and retail developments shall provide trash enclosures at a ratio of 60 square feet per 10,000 square feet of floor area or major fraction thereof.
   (B)   Restaurants. Fast food and take out restaurants shall provide exterior trash receptacles at public entrances and at drive-thru exits in addition to the enclosures required by division (A) of this section. Other restaurants shall provide the enclosures required by division (A) of this section.
   (C)   Industrial. Industrial buildings shall provide trash enclosures at a rate of 60 square feet per 10,000 square feet of gross floor area or major fraction thereof for the first 20,000 square feet of building area. Thereafter, trash enclosures shall be provided at a rate of 60 square feet for each 50,000 square feet of building area or major fraction thereof.
(`78 Code, § 17.79.040.) (Ord. 2794 § 1 (part), 2005; Ord. 2046 § 1 (part), 1991.)