17.74.170 Nonconforming or abandoned signs.
   (A)   Nonconforming. Except as otherwise provided herein, any sign or other advertising structure which, though not conforming to the provisions of this chapter, has received approval prior to May 17, 2019 by both the Planning and Building Departments, the Planning Commission or City Council, as applicable, pursuant to the requirements of this chapter on the date of such approval, may continue, provided that the location of the sign is protected in place. The sign area can be altered to be consistent with the size requirement of the zone as set forth in § 17.74.150. Existing nonconforming signs that are removed or relocated on the property shall conform to the provisions of this chapter.
      (1)   Change in property size or configuration. If the size or configuration of a parcel or building is changed by the subdivision of the property, building addition, or demolition, the parcel and building identification signs on the resulting properties shall be made to conform to the sign regulations applicable to the newly created parcel or building at the time such change becomes effective.
      (2)   Repair and maintenance. A nonconforming sign may be maintained or repaired to address the provisions of § 17.74.180.
      (3)   Removal. Unless otherwise approved by the Planning Director in writing, removal of nonconforming signs shall be accomplished in the following manner:
         (a)   Signs painted on buildings, walls, or fences. By removal of the paint constituting the sign or by permanently painting over it in such a way that the sign shall not thereafter be or become visible; and
         (b)   Other signs. By removal of said signs, including its dependent structures and supports, or by modification, alteration, or replacement thereof in conformity with the provisions of this chapter.
   (B)   Abandoned signs. When a business establishment closes, relocates, changes names, or otherwise abandons any sign or structure, the owner of the property shall remove or cause to be removed, or obscure from view, or reface the sign within 30 days of the change of business. The sign structure shall be removed within six months unless new permits are obtained for the business and signage.
(Ord. 3294, 2019; Ord. 2770 § 1 (part), 2005; Ord. 2729 § 4, 2004.)