17.68.020 Highway frontage.
   In order to encourage sound development of highway frontage, the following provisions shall apply in any location which abuts a major or secondary highway.
   (A)   Access barrier. Access to the highway shall be regulated in the interest of public safety. Each building or group of buildings used for motel or nonresidential purposes, together with its parking or service areas, shall be physically separated from the highway or street by a curb, planting strip or other suitable barriers against unchanneled motor vehicle ingress or egress, except for accessways as authorized in division (B) of this section.
   (B)   Accessways. Each separate use, grouping of related buildings or grouping of uses permitted as a part of a single integrated plan may have accessways to any highway or street, and the accessways shall be not less than 22 feet apart as measured along the street frontage.
   (C)   Turning area on lot. When vehicular access to lots fronting on a major or secondary highway is not provided for by way of a service road or alley, there shall be a paved turning area on the lot to permit motor vehicles to turn around and head into the highway.
   (D)   Administrative review. No residential unit shall obtain access from a major, secondary or collector street, except as approved by the Public Works Director pursuant to written standards. Access to commercial and industrial projects from major, secondary or collector streets shall be subject to review and approval by the Public Works Director pursuant to written standards.
(`78 Code, § 17.68.020.) (Ord. 1676 § 1, 1983.)