17.65.040 Exempt facilities.
   (A)   Telecommunication facilities placed in the public rights-of-way in accordance with a cable television franchise agreement or an open video system franchise agreement authorized and approved by the city under Chapter 5.14 of this code are exempt from the requirements of this chapter.
   (B)   The following telecommunication facilities are permitted without any approval under this chapter, provided that the telecommunication facility complies with § 17.65.030, is accessory to the primary use of the property:
      (1)   Receive-only antennas designed to receive television broadcast or radio signals, limited to one antenna per lot, mounted on a roof or attached to the building at or to the rear of the centerline of the building, with the mast not exceeding four inches in diameter and the antenna not elevated more than ten feet above the peak of the roof;
      (2)   Receive-only satellite antennas one meter (3.28 feet) or less in diameter located in any zone, or satellite antennas two meters (6.56 feet) or less in diameter located in any commercial or industrial zone. The exemption is limited
to one such satellite antenna per parcel, or in the case of multiple dwelling developments, one such satellite antenna per dwelling unit. Installation must comply with the following conditions which are imposed to reduce the safety risks, identified in this chapter, created by a hazardous method or location of installation:
         (a)   The satellite antenna must be adequately grounded to prevent against a direct strike of lightning;
         (b)   If the satellite antenna is mounted on the ground or a pole:
            1.   It must be located in the rear or side yard not less than five feet from the rear or side lot line;
            2   It must not be located closer to the front or street side of a lot or building site than the primary building;
            3.   The satellite antenna foundation surface must not be elevated more than one foot above grade and securely affixed to the ground installation structure;
         (c)   If the satellite antenna is mounted on the roof or a pole, it must not be elevated above the peak of the roof and shall not be visible from the public right-of-way.
      (3)   Telecommunications facilities located completely underground with no visible appurtenant structures.
      (4)   Wires, cables or fibers attached to a "public utility support structure," as that term is defined in Public Utilities Code § 767.5.
      (5)   Telecommunications facilities located completely inside a structure for the sole purpose of providing telecommunications service within the structure.
      (6)   Telecommunications facilities erected and used for temporary emergency communications in the event of a disaster.
      (7)   Minor repairs, modifications or alterations of existing telecommunications facilities, whether emergency or routine, which cause no change in the visual appearance of such facility and no increase in the size or area occupied by the facility.
      (8)   Telecommunications facilities, including, but not limited to the telecommunications facilities described in § 17.65.055(A)(3), which are collocated and satisfy all of the following conditions:
         (a)   An environmental impact report has been certified or a mitigated negative declaration or negative declaration has been adopted for the existing telecommunications facility upon which the collocated facility will be placed, mounted or installed and the collocated facility incorporates all mitigation measures required by the environmental document.
         (b)   The collocated facility complies with the telecommunications design guidelines adopted pursuant to § 17.65.090.
(`78 Code, § 17.65.040.) (Ord. 3200 § 3 (part), 2015; Ord. 3195 § 2 (part), 2015; Ord. 2891 § 1 (part), 2007; Ord. 2283 § 1, 2002; Ord. 2432 § 5 (part), 1999; Ord. 3304 § 3, 2019.)