17.63.110 Deleted or reduced listing – Application and procedures.
   (A)   An application to delete or to reduce the listing of a landmark, historic district or heritage property may be initiated by the City Council, the Planning Commission, city officials, local entities or a member of the public. An application "to reduce the listing" is a request to narrow, decrease or otherwise diminish the size, scale, scope, boundaries, characteristics, protections or definitions applicable to an existing landmark, historic district or heritage property. No application to delete or reduce the listing of an historic resource that is also listed on the California Register or National Register shall be accepted.
   (B)   Applications shall be submitted to the Planning Department on forms prescribed by the Planning Director. The application shall include the same information as required under § 17.63.100(B), and the application shall identify in sufficient detail how the landmark, historic district or heritage property proposed for deletion or reduction meets the criteria set forth in this section. The Planning Department shall process, notice and review the application in accordance with the procedures set forth in §§ 17.63.100(D) through 17.63.100(G).
   (C)   If the application requests to delete or reduce the listing of a landmark or historic district, then the Planning Commission shall consider and recommend, and the City Council shall approve or disapprove the application, in accordance with the procedures set forth in § 17.63.100(H), based on the criteria set forth in this section.
   (D)   If the application requests to delete or reduce the listing of a property on the Heritage Inventory, then the Planning Commission shall consider and approve or disapprove the application in accordance with the procedures set forth in § 17.63.100(I), based on the criteria set forth in this section.
   (E)   The listing of a landmark or historic district on the Corona Register, or the listing of a heritage property on Corona Heritage Inventory, may be deleted or reduced only if one of the following findings is made:
      (1)   The landmark or heritage property has been destroyed or demolished by natural means, or has been determined to be an unsafe structure by the Building Official;
      (2)   New information or analysis demonstrates the landmark, historic district or heritage property no longer conforms to any of the applicable eligibility criteria set forth in this chapter;
      (3)   There is clear and convincing evidence that the historic significance or value of the landmark, historic district or heritage property has significantly diminished.
   (F)   Within 14 days of the City Council’s or Planning Commission’s adoption of the resolution, notice of the decision and a copy of the resolution shall be mailed to all persons who received notice of the application under this section. A copy of the resolution shall also be transmitted to all city departments.
   (G)   If an application to delete or reduce the listing of a landmark or historic district is approved, then a copy of the resolution shall be recorded with the Riverside County Recorder on all property on which the deleted or reduced landmark is located, or if an historic district is deleted or reduced, then all property within the boundaries of the deleted or reduced historic district.
(`78 Code, § 17.63.110.) (Ord. 2522 § 1, 2001.)