17.60.160 Conditional uses – Permit – Criteria for granting.
   Prior to granting a conditional use permit for the uses enumerated in § 17.60.130, the Commission shall make the findings required by § 17.92.110 and additionally shall find from the evidence submitted in support of the application that the following facts and conditions exist:
   (A)   The use and location are necessary to extract the resources of said field if the proposed use and its location are proximate to a producing oil field;
   (B)   The distance between a producing oil field and an area in which the proposed uses would be allowed without a permit is such that the cost of transporting oil over that distance would be so prohibitive as to preclude such production and transportation;
   (C)   The proposed use and facilities and equipment to implement such use can be so located, designed, constructed and operated as not to have a materially adverse effect on the health and safety of persons residing in, working in or traveling through the area of the proposed use; not be materially injurious to property in said area; and not be aesthetically incompatible with the surrounding uses in the area;
   (D)   The quantity and extent of said facilities are reasonable and necessary for the subject oil production and transportation if the proposed use is for storage facilities.
   (E)   If the facilities include underground storage tanks, basins, or skimming ponds, those tanks, basins, and ponds are at least 500 feet away from every well owned or operated by the City of Corona which supplies drinking water, as determined by the Corona Department of Water and Power.
   (F)   If the facilities include the use of earth-bottom ponds or ponds with other types of permeable bottoms, such use has been evaluated and approved by the General Manager of the Department of Water and Power, who may disapprove such operations if necessary to prevent contamination of drinking water supplies.
(`78 Code, § 17.60.160.) (Ord. 2971 § 1 (part), 2009)