17.60.120 Drill site – Property development standards.
   Any oil drilling operations in such a district shall be subject to the following property development standards.
   (A)   Area.
      (1)   Only one controlled drill site shall be permitted to serve 25 acres or less in any zone, shall not exceed two and one-half acres in area and shall be of such size or shape that it cannot be contained within a square 330 feet by 330 feet; provided, however, that if a particular site is to be used for the development of larger oil drilling districts or if the city’s oil production control agency requires that more than one oil drill controlled site be developed, such site may, upon approval of the Planning Commission, be increased by not more than two acres for each 20 acres included in the oil field as defined by the Division of Oil and Gas of the state; and provided further that none of the following conditions, at the time of an application to the agency for a permit to drill, exist:
         (a)   25 or more dwellings within 1,320 feet of the proposed location of the well;
         (b)   Six or more dwellings within 660 feet of the proposed location of the well; or
         (c)   Any legally established structure used for housing of mentally or physically ill or aged persons having five or more beds within 660 feet of the proposed location of the well.
      (2)   The controlled drill site shall not include any portion of a dedicated alley, street, easement or right-of-way or any area contained within the limits of any street, alley or other public area when so designated as such in the General Plan of the city.
   (B)   Proximity of 01 Districts. 01 zones shall not be established closer to each other than 1,320 feet.
(`78 Code, § 17.60.120.)