17.60.110 Drill site – Permitted uses.
   (A)   The 01 combining zone shall consist of a controlled drill site. The uses permitted in an 01 zone shall be limited to oil production, controlled oil drilling, producing, injecting, temporary processing and shipping tank sites and temporary storage facilities for one producing well, the activities to be limited exclusively to the drilling or redrilling of oil wells and producing oil. Such operations may include the installation and use of equipment, structures, tools and other facilities incidental, necessary and accessory to drilling, producing and processing oil produced by such wells for shipment to pipeline, provided that no underground storage tank, basin, or skimming pond related to such uses shall be constructed within 500 feet of a well owned or operated by the City of Corona which supplies drinking water.
   (B)   Reconstruction or replacement of any underground storage tank, basin, or skimming pond existing within 500 feet of a well supplying drinking water as of the effective date of this chapter shall be subject to the review and approval of the General Manager of the Department of Water and Power, or his or her designee. The General Manager shall require:
      (1)   Testing of the tank site to ascertain whether contamination exists, and at what depths that all testing and analysis be performed in accordance with California Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Environment Protection Agency standards and methods by a qualified person, with laboratory certification of the test results; and
      (2)   That the removal or reconstruction of the existing tank and installation of any new tank be undertaken in strict compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local statutes, regulations, standards, and requirements.
(`78 Code, § 17.60.110.) (Ord. 2971 § 1 (part), 2009.)