17.60.080 Standards – Conditions – Generally.
   (A)   Whenever a proposed subdivision or development of property comes within any combining oil district or known oil field, the city shall not approve or accept a record of survey or final tract map for such subdivision or development unless there is submitted to the City Planning Director a written plan for the use, disposition or treatment of any existing or future oil wells or operations on such property, shall not conduct a final inspection of a building for occupancy and shall accept no public improvements until it has approved such a plan. Failure of a subdivider or developer to provide the city with such a plan shall be sufficient grounds for the city to disapprove the subdivision or development.
   (B)   Any machinery used in the production and/or processing of oil within the site of a well shall be designed and/or housed and operated so that noise, odor and vibration emanating therefrom shall be limited to a minimum and shall not exceed the standards therefor, as provided in Chapter 17.84.
   (C)   All produced oil shall be transported from any oil site by buried pipeline.
   (D)   No permanent tanks, gauging (other than in-line meter and temporary meter powers) or other permanent shipping facilities shall be permitted on oil sites; provided, however, that storage facilities shall or may be permitted in the “O” zone, pursuant to §§ 17.60.100 through 17.60.170.
   (E)   Portable equipment shall be used in all remedial and/or maintenance work or rework and shall be removed from an oil site upon completion of such work.
   (F)   All installations, structures and facilities on an operating oil site shall be in good condition, painted and kept painted and maintained, together with the ground area comprising such site in a clean, neat and sanitary condition.
(`78 Code, § 17.60.080.)