17.54.010 Establishment – Purpose.
   (A)   It is intended by this chapter to establish a Primary Floodplain Combining Zone which shall apply to properties which lie within a primary floodplain zone, which for the purpose of this title shall be construed to be a stream, channel and the portions of the adjacent floodplain as are required to efficiently carry the flood flows of the stream and on which properties special regulations are necessary for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare and of property and improvements from the hazard and damages resulting from the flood waters.
   (B)   There is established a Primary Floodplain Combining Zone, designated as FP-1, which, when shown upon the zoning map of the city in combination with a basic zoning symbol such as R-1, C-2 and M-1, shall cause the property so designated to be subject to the code provisions relating to such combining zone and the provisions set forth in this chapter.
(`78 Code, § 17.54.010.)