17.53.070 Environmental review.
   (A)   Specific plans are hereby determined to be "projects" as defined in the California Environmental Quality Act, Cal. Public Resources Code § 21065.
   (B)   Residential projects proposed on property having an adopted Specific Plan for which an environmental impact report (EIR) has been certified shall not require additional environmental review, provided the Community Development Director finds:
      (1)   That the certified EIR is sufficiently detailed in scope regarding the proposed projects; and
      (2)   That the project is pursuant to and in conformity with the Specific Plan.
   (C)   The Community Development Director may issue a notice of exemption if the findings specified in division (B) of this section are made as to such residential projects.
   (D)   If the City Council determines that an environmental impact report will be required based on the findings contained in the Initial Study, the EIR will be prepared and reviewed prior to or concurrently with the Specific Plan. In order to avoid duplication of data, analysis, maps, tables, and the like, the EIR may be combined within the Specific Plan text, provided that the technical requirements and elements of the EIR as mandated by the state are fully met.
(`78 Code, § 17.53.070.) (Ord. 1983 § 1 (part), 1990.)