17.53.050 Application for approval – Fee.
   (A)   The application shall be accompanied by a fee in the amount established by resolution of the City Council pursuant to Cal. Gov’t Code §§ 66016 et seq. The fee shall not exceed the reasonable cost of providing the service for which the fee is charged.
   (B)   In the event the city undertakes the work and responsibility for development of a Specific Plan, it shall prepare a complete cost break down and submit it to the City Council at the time the Specific Plan is presented to the Council for adoption. The Council shall impose a special fee upon persons seeking approvals which are required to be in conformity with the Specific Plan. The amount of the fees shall be established so that in the aggregate they defray, but as estimated do not exceed the cost of preparation, adoption and administration of the Specific Plan.
(`78 Code, § 17.53.050.) (Ord. 1983 § 1 (part), 1990.)