17.53.030 General requirements.
   (A)   A Specific Plan may be utilized for a variety of development projects, including residential, commercial, industrial, redevelopment and public works projects.
   (B)   Allowable uses in each Specific Plan shall be as established by a development plan text approved by the City Council. The development plan text may incorporate uses by reference to base zoning districts or may establish additional or more limited uses with definitions pertaining thereto.
   (C)   Unless otherwise provided by the development plan text, public utility facilities and publicly owned facilities shall be allowable subject to a conditional use permit.
   (D)   The maximum number of dwelling units within a Specific Plan district shall not exceed the number of units indicated by the General Plan, provided that the distribution of units within the Specific Plan and on any individual site shall be governed by the land use plan and any density transfer provisions related thereto.
   (E)   All public and master planned streets within or abutting the development shall be dedicated and improved to city specifications for that particular classification of street. Private streets within the development shall be permanently reserved and maintained for their intended purpose by means acceptable to and enforceable by the city.
   (F)   Development within a Specific Plan district shall relate harmoniously to the topography of the site, shall make suitable provisions for the preservation of water courses, drainage areas, rough terrain and similar natural features and shall otherwise be so designed inasmuch as possible to use and retain natural features and amenities to the best advantage.
   (G)   There shall be a proposed means for assuring the initial development or installation and the continued maintenance and operation of the various common elements and facilities.
(`78 Code, § 17.53.030.) (Ord. 1983 § 1 (part), 1990.)