17.53.010 Purpose.
   (A)   The intent of this chapter is to establish a Specific Plan Zone and a uniform policy and procedure for the preparation, processing and review of Specific Plans. Specific plans are to provide for the classification and regulation of land use and development within specific project boundaries and shall implement the goals and objectives of the General Plan. Unless otherwise specified within the plan itself, it is intended that the Specific Plan will replace the base zoning district and that the development standards contained in the Specific Plan will take precedence over the Corona Municipal Code, where applicable. Wherein the Specific Plan is silent regarding a development or improvement standard within the Corona Municipal Code, the Corona Municipal Code standard shall apply.
   (B)   The Specific Plan zone is included in the zoning regulations to achieve the following purposes:
      (1)   To promote and protect the public health, safety and welfare;
      (2)   To minimize the intrusion of new development into environmentally sensitive areas;
      (3)   To ensure the timely provision of essential public services and facilities consistent with the demand for such services;
      (4)   To promote a harmonious variety of housing choices and commercial and industrial activities; to attain a desirable balance of residential and employment opportunities, a high level of urban amenities and preservation of natural and scenic qualities of open space;
      (5)   To facilitate quality development within the city by permitting greater flexibility and encouraging more creative and aesthetically pleasing designs for major urban development projects subject to large scale community planning.
(`78 Code, § 17.53.010.) (Ord. 1983 § 1 (part), 1990.)