17.52.110 Application – Preliminary plan.
   Only after the Council has approved the applicant’s conceptual development plan may the applicant apply for a change of zone to PCD zone in the manner provided for in §§ 17.104.020 through 17.104.060; provided, however, the Secretary of the Planning Commission shall not accept an application for a change of zone to PCD zone unless the applicant is an owner or owners of the lot or lots proposed to be included in the PCD zone and files therewith a preliminary development plan which shall have been prepared and endorsed by persons whose professional qualifications for preparing the plan shall have been approved by the Commission. The preliminary development plan shall consist of not less than 30 copies of the following documents:
   (A)   A sepia map delineating the exact boundaries of the proposed PCD zone, together with the property map and legal description of the land within the proposed PCD zone. The map shall show the existing topographical features of the property, including specimen trees, buildings, structures, streets, utility lines, pipes and any other type existing land uses within the land area proposed for a planned community development;
   (B)   A preliminary title report of the land proposed to be included in the PCD zone;
   (C)   Textual material showing data and information sufficient to describe a definitive proposed development plan, including, but not limited to a sepia map delineating the approximate location of the proposed uses, the proposed dwelling unit density, the concentration of nonresidential buildings and land uses within the proposed planned community development as they relate to properties contiguous to and in the vicinity of the proposed planned community development;
   (D)   A preliminary statement containing the following information and data:
      (1)   A date and time schedule for phase development of units which are proposed to be constructed on progression;
      (2)   Illustrations and descriptions of the design principles for buildings, structures, streetscapes and landscaping;
        (3)   A tabulation of the total number of acres in each of the proposed separate phases of the planned community development and the percentage of such acreage to be devoted to particular uses;
      (4)   The number of proposed dwelling units and type thereof for each separate phase of the planned community development;
      (5)   The estimated residential population for each type of dwelling unit for each phase of the planned community development;
      (6)   The estimated nonresidential population for each phase of the planned community development;
      (7)   The proposed retail sales area, if any, within the planned community development and economic data and information sufficient to support the applicant’s selection of the area;
      (8)   The anticipated date for commencement and completion of each phase of the planned community development;
      (9)   Evidence of the application of the pertinent property development standards to each phase of the planned community development;
      (10)   Engineering feasibility and environmental data;
      (11)   A list of proposed public utility improvements, including location and estimated costs thereof.
(`78 Code, § 17.52.100.) (Ord. 2885 § 2 (part), 2007.)