17.52.100 Conceptual plan review.
   (A)   The Commission and Council shall, not less than 30 days from the date of the filing of the conceptual plan, hold joint public hearings thereon for the purpose of reviewing and considering the approval or disapproval of the general concepts as delineated in the plan.
   (B)   The Mayor shall preside at said joint public hearings. The Council and Commission may act as separate entities during the hearings and any continuations thereof which shall require the vote of a majority of the quorum of the City Council. After the conclusion of the presentation of evidence at the joint public hearings, the Council shall close it. The Commission shall recommend approval, disapproval or approval with suggested modifications of the general concepts within 15 days of the close of the hearing. If the Commission does not make a recommendation within the period of time, it shall be deemed to have approved the general concepts as shown in the conceptual plan. The Council shall, no earlier than 30 and no later than 45 days after receiving the recommendation of the Commission, approve, disapprove or approve with suggested modifications the general concepts.
   (C)   Any City Council approval under this chapter as to concept shall not constitute an endorsement by the Council of the precise location of the proposed uses, the configuration of any parcels delineated in the plan, the engineering feasibility of any of the proposed uses or any other specific details relating to use or development.
   (D)   Furthermore, in computing the maximum allowable number of dwelling units within the site area delineated on the conceptual plan, the Council may add to the number of dwelling units permitted within the site by reason of its basic zoning not more than the number of dwelling units which would be allowed on those portions of the site under the same zoning designation, which are being used for public purposes or shall be offered to the city for dedication for public purposes or required to be so offered by law or any condition to any permit or entitlement granted by the city, including, but not limited to, sites for parks, schools, branch libraries, police and fire substations, public streets and rights-of-way, master planned flood control, drainage and sewage transmission and treatment facilities and those portions of the subject site which are or will be developed and used permanently for private recreational facilities of community wide benefit, including, but not limited to, golf courses, lakes and open spaces of which the development rights thereto shall be dedicated to the city in perpetuity and the permanent maintenance of which shall be guaranteed to the satisfaction of the Council.
(`78 Code, § 17.52.090.) (Ord. 2885 § 2 (part), 2007.)