17.52.010 Established – Purpose.
   There is established a Planned Community Development Zone, bearing the designation "PCD" and referred to in the code as "PCD zone." When the PCD zone is shown upon the zone map of the city in combination with a basic zoning designation, such as "R-1-8.4," the lot or lots designated by such combination of zoning designations shall be subject to all provisions of this title relating to the lot or lots which are zoned under the basic zoning designation, except as provided in §§ 17.52.020 through 17.52.080 and any amendments thereto. The purpose and intent of the Planned Community Development Zone is to:
   (A)   Provide for the classification and development of land as a coordinated comprehensive project;
   (B)   Encourage superior environments: design redevelopment and rehabilitation of land and buildings and structures thereon;
   (C)   Encourage variation in land use and dwelling units;
   (D)   Encourage diversification in the location of buildings, structures and other site quality while assuring adequate standards relating to public health, safety, welfare, comfort and convenience;
   (E)   Preserve the quality of the city in its development through proper orientation, design, character, density and compatibility of land use.
(`78 Code, § 17.52.010.)