17.44.120 Industrial condominium development; defined.
   For purposes of this chapter, the term "industrial condominium development" shall mean an industrial development with all of the following features: (a) the development includes three or more separate legal parcels with the boundaries of the lot coinciding with the footprint of the building, (b) at least one parcel within the development encompasses the common areas that serve the remaining parcels, such as parking lots, access ways, and landscaped areas (hereinafter the "common parcel"), and (c) covenants and restrictions approved by the city are recorded on all parcels to provide that the common parcel(s) is owned, controlled, and maintained by the owners of the remaining parcels through a property owners association. For Industrial Condominium Developments, access to individually owned parcels within the development are allowed via the common parcel(s).
(Ord. 2686 § 2, 2003.)