17.44.100 Landscaping; walls; fences.
   (A)   Front, side and rear yards required for a lot or building shall be fully landscaped. All landscaping shall include the installation of concrete curb planters and shall be continuously maintained by an irrigation system operable at all times.
   (B)   Landscape areas, walls and fences shall be established in accordance with Chapter 17.70. Fences and walls adjacent to and visible from the street or freeway right-of-way shall be of decorative block or wrought iron. Fences or walls constructed adjacent to residential uses shall be of decorative block.
   (C)   Fencing adjacent to a railroad right-of-way shall be of decorative material, such as wrought iron, decorative block or alternative materials approved by the Planning Director.
   (D)   Fences and walls in the industrial zones may have an additional two feet of security fencing added to the permitted enclosure for security purposes.
(`78 Code, § 17.44.100.) (Ord. 2365 § 1 (part), 1998.)