17.44.010 Purpose.
   (A)   M-1 Light Manufacturing Zone. The M-1 (Light Manufacturing) Zone is intended for light manufacturing and industrial uses. The purpose of the M-1 zone is to provide for manufacturing uses that are generally passive because the M-1 zone can be established adjacent to residential and commercial areas.
   (B)   M-2 General Manufacturing Zone. The M-2 (General Manufacturing) Zone is intended for general manufacturing and industrial uses. The M-2 zone allows for the establishment of the most common manufacturing uses and processes, including the treatment, processing and fabrication of goods from raw materials. The M-2 zone is located in areas that are well suited for the manufacture of goods requiring night shift work, frequent truck activity and the transfer of bulk processed goods.
   (C)   M-3 Heavy Manufacturing Zone. The M-3 (Heavy Manufacturing) Zone is intended for heavy manufacturing and industrial uses. The M-3 zone allows for manufacturing uses that may produce noise, dust and heat and for uses that require the utilization or mixing of toxic chemicals. The M-3 zone is primarily established at locations removed from commercial and residential areas.
   (D)   M-4 Industrial Park Zone.
      (1)   The M-4 (Industrial Park) Zone is designed to provide attractive sites for restricted industrial development at desirable locations in an environment designed for industrial concerns engaged in research, development, production and distribution and shall include the administrative, financial or executive offices related thereto. Such developments shall be compatible with surrounding present and future residential neighborhoods.
      (2)   The standards and requirements for the M-4 zone are intended to encourage the establishment of industries which are compatible with one another and to minimize traffic congestion, noise, glare, fire and safety hazards, air pollution, water pollution, emission of smoke, fumes, ash, dust, gas odors or vibrations which are inconsistent with the intent and purpose of this zone. These standards are established to assure environmental development, including landscaping of open space, to provide a continuation of the surrounding residential atmosphere and healthful productive working conditions.
(`78 Code, § 17.44.010.) (Ord. 2365 § 1 (part), 1998.)