17.30.060 Property development standards – Mobile homes.
   Standards are as set forth in this section.
   (A)   Minimum area for mobile home space. A mobile home space shall have not less than 3,500 square feet of land area. In computing such area, no consideration shall be given to interior access drives or recreational areas.
   (B)   Yards.
      (1)   General. Each mobile home space shall have a front yard, and the front yard shall be not less than five feet in width. The front of a mobile home is deemed to be that portion of the mobile home where a tongue or towing device is located or designed to be located. A front yard shall be measured from the tongue or towing device for the mobile home or, if the device is removed from the mobile home, to the front mobile home space line. The minimum front yard shall extend for the full width of the mobile home space.
      (2)   Side yard. Each mobile home space shall have a side yard not less than four feet in width from all side mobile home space lines.
      (3)   Rear yard. Each mobile home space shall have a rear yard not less than five feet in width from all rear mobile home space lines.
      (4)   Special yards. The body of a coach which sides or rears on an access road, public parking area or pedway shall be at least ten feet from the property line; provided however, that an open patio or awning may be constructed to within five feet of the property line.
   (C)   Separation between mobile home units. There shall be a minimum separation between all mobile homes to the distances as indicated herein below:
      (I)   If the side of a mobile home faces the side of another mobile home or an adjacent vacant lot which is intended for future placement of a mobile home, a 12 foot distance is required from the body of the coach to the interior side lot line;
      (2)   If the side of a mobile home faces the rear of another mobile home, the minimum distance shall be 19 feet;
      (3)   If the rear of a mobile home faces the rear of another mobile home, the minimum distance shall be ten feet;
   (D)   Coverage. Lot area coverage by coach and covered outdoor areas and uncovered outdoor areas exceeding 24 inches in height shall not exceed 75%.
   (E)   Mobile home storage cabinet. Each mobile home space shall contain a general storage cabinet with a minimum capacity of 90 cubic feet, the cabinet to be located in either the side or rear yard of the mobile home space.
   (F)   Parking requirements. Parking requirements are as follows:
      (1)   Each mobile home space shall have at least two paved off-street parking spaces, and the spaces may be located in tandem to each other and with the mobile home space;
      (2)   The applicable provisions of Chapter 17.76 shall apply.
(`78 Code, § 17.30.050.) (Ord. 2885 § 2 (part), 2007; Ord. 1472 § 1, 1977.)