17.04.585 Structure.
   (A)   "Structure" means anything built or constructed, or any edifice or building, or of work artificially built up or composed of parts joined together in some definite manner. Pools and patios are included, but outdoor paved areas, walks, tennis courts and similar outdoor recreation areas are excluded.
   (B)   However, notwithstanding the above, when making calculations for purposes of determining compliance with lot area coverage requirements of particular zones, the following structures shall not be included:
      (1)   Swimming, wading, therapy, decorative and other pools;
      (2)   Uncovered patios, porches and decks;
      (3)   Covered patios, porches and decks, if completely enclosed so as to allow free flow of air and light or if enclosed on no more than three sides by walls or a building or private garage.
(`78 Code, § 17.04.585.) (Ord. 1449 § 1, 1976.)