17.04.342 Lot.
   "Lot" has the following meanings:
   (A)   A parcel of land with a separate and distinct number or other designation shown on a plat recorded in the office of the County Recorder; or
   (B)   A parcel of land delineated on an approved record of survey, lot split or subparceling map as filed in the office of the County Recorder, which abuts at least one public street or right-of-way or easement determined by the Commission to be adequate for the purpose of access; or
   (C)   A parcel of land containing not less than the area required by the zone in which it is located, abutting at least one public street or right-of-way and held under separate ownership from adjacent property; or
   (D)   A flag lot as defined in, and which meets the standards set forth in, this chapter.
(`78 Code, § 17.04.342.) (Ord. 2455 § 2, 2000.)