17.04.315 Health care facility.
   "Health care facility" means any of the following facilities.
   (A)   "General acute care hospital" means a health care facility having a duly constituted governing body with overall administrative and professional responsibility and an organized medical staff which provides 24 hour inpatient care, including the following basic services: medical, nursing, surgical, anesthesia, laboratory, radiology, pharmacy and dietary services.
   (B)   "Acute psychiatric hospital" means a health facility having a duly constituted governing body with overall administrative and professional responsibility and an organized medical staff which provides 24 hour inpatient care for mentally disordered, incompetent or other patients referred to in Welfare and Institutions Code Division 5 (commencing with § 5000) or Division 6 (commencing with § 6000), including the following basic services: medical, nursing, rehabilitative, pharmacy and dietary services.
   (C)   “Skilled nursing facility” means a health facility which provides skilled nursing care and supportive care to patients whose primary need is for availability of skilled nursing care on an extended basis.
   (D)   “Special hospital” means a health facility having a duly constituted governing body with overall administrative and professional responsibility and an organized medical or dental staff which provides inpatient or outpatient care in dentistry or maternity.
   (E)   “Intermediate care facility/developmentally disabled, habilitative, or nursing” means a facility that provides 24 hour personal care, habilitation, developmental and supportive health services or nursing supervision for developmentally disabled persons who have intermittent recurring needs for such services but have been certified by a physician as not requiring continuous skilled nursing care. The facility shall serve ambulatory or non-ambulatory, medically fragile persons who have developmental inabilities or demonstrate significant developmental delay that may lead to a developmental disability if not treated.
   (F)   “Congregate living health facility” means a residential home that provides inpatient care including the following basic services: medical supervision, 24 hour skilled nursing and supportive care, pharmacy, dietary, social, recreational, and other services as defined by Cal. Health and Safety Code § 1250(i).
   (G)   “Residential care facility” means any state licensed facility, place or structure that is maintained and operated to provide 24 hour non-medical residential care, day treatment, or foster agency services for adults, children, or adults and children as defined in Article 1 of Chapter 3 of the Cal. Health and Safety Code, §§ 1500 et seq. This use includes the administration of limited medical assistance (e.g., dispensing of prescribed medications).
   (H)   “Adult day care facility” means any facility which provides nonmedical care to persons 18 years of age or older in need of personal services, supervision or assistance essential for sustaining the activities of daily living or for the protection of the individual on less than 24 hour basis.
   (I)   “Day treatment facility” means any facility which provides non-medical care, counseling, educational or vocational support or social rehabilitation services on less than a 24 hour basis to persons under 18 years of age who would otherwise be placed in foster care or who are returning to families from foster care.
   (J)   “Foster family agency” means any individual or organization engaged in the recruiting, certifying and training of and providing professional support to foster parents or in finding homes or other places for placement of children for temporary or permanent care or adoption. Private foster family agencies shall be organized and operated on a nonprofit basis.    
   (K)   “Foster family home” means any residential facility providing 24 hour care for six or fewer foster children which is owned, leased or rented and is the residence of the foster parent or parents, including their family, in whose care the foster children have been placed. Such placement may be by a public or private child placement agency or by a court order or by voluntary placement by a parent, parents or guardian.
   (L)   “Small family home” means any residential facility providing 24 hour care for six or fewer foster children who have mental disorders or developmental or physical disabilities and who require special care and supervision as a result of their disabilities.
   (M)   “Social rehabilitation facility” means any residential facility which provides social rehabilitation services for no longer than 18 months in a group setting to adults recovering from mental illness who temporarily need assistance, guidance or counseling. Program components shall be subject to program standards pursuant to Cal. Welfare and Institutions Code § 5458.1.
   (N)   “Community treatment facility” means any residential facility which provides mental health treatment services to children in a group setting and that has the capacity to provide secure containment. Program components shall be subject to program standards developed and enforced by the State Department of Mental Health pursuant to Cal. Welfare and Institutions Code § 4094.
   (O)   “Day medical office/clinic” means a place in which a professional practitioner conducts his or her medical professional business for diagnosis and treatment of outpatients.
(`78 Code, § 17.04.315.) (Ord. 3139 § 3 (part), 2013; Ord. 2033 § 1, 1990; Ord. 1861 § 13, 1987.)