16.36.010 Procedure.
   Appeals may be taken from any staff decision, determination or requirement under this title by filing a notice thereof in writing with the City Clerk within five days after such decision, determination or requirement is made. Such appeal shall be accompanied by the fee established by the City Council and shall set forth in detail the request of the subdivider, the challenged action, and the grounds for such challenge. The City Clerk shall, within five days of receipt of the appeal, place the matter on the agenda of the City Council for a public hearing to be held within 30 days of receipt. Written notice of the time of such hearing shall be mailed by the City Clerk to the subdivider within five days after the setting of the date of the hearing. The City Clerk shall also report the filing of the appeal and the date of the public hearing to the staff member whose decision is being appealed. A written report shall be submitted to the Council by the staff member whose decision, determination or requirement is being appealed not later than five days before the date set for the public hearing on the appeal. Upon hearing of the appeal, the Council may continue the matter for good cause, and may also affirm, reverse or modify the decision, determination or requirement appealed and enter any order or orders as are in harmony with the terms and intent of the general plan and the city subdivision ordinance codified in this title.
(`78 Code, § 16.36.010.) (Ord. 2170 § 3, 1993; Ord. 1522 § 2 (part), 1978.)