16.33.100 Refunds.
   Under certain circumstances, such as overpayment, expiration of a building permit, or miscalculation of the fee due to clerical error, as described in the Implementation Manual, the person or entity that paid the MSHCP mitigation fee may be entitled to a refund. Refunds will be disbursed by the end of the fiscal year on a first-come, first-served basis, depending upon RCA’s net revenue stream. Refunds will only be authorized if requested within three years of the date the MSHCP mitigation fee was paid. In all cases, the applicant must promptly submit a refund request, with proof of payment of the MSHCP mitigation fee, to the RCA if RCA collected the fee, or to the city if the city collected the fee, in which case, the city will forward the request to RCA for verification, review, and possible action in accordance with the Implementation Manual.
(Ord. 3326 § 2, 2021; Ord. 2678 § 1, 2003.)